The following is an rant I had with myself today between desert rainstorms and marketing emails... I thought I'd share a little of my humorous aLunacy simply for the entertainment value... Here is a tidbit of my trying to figure this whole earth life thing out...processing as it were, but with a lightness that can be felt.
So maybe language isn't always the best way to express oneself. I feel more expressive when my body is moved by music.. or during the intensity of an eye gazing session. Words are indeed powerful, yes, but they are diversions from what we are really trying to relay, which I believe is always love. I feel more telepathic communication from people than I do the words they spew. When I spend a lot of time with a particular person, I find that I feel their desires and goals in life, if they are activated strongly enough that is. God willing, I will hold the space in my aura enough to be clean of others' missions and really hone my own. In case you hadn't noticed, *looks around with a sense of secrecy* We are highly telepathic beings... Just pointing out the obvious.
And now I'd like to debate with myself a bit hereafter rereading these last statements regarding language and words. Words are a perfectly valid form of expression and sometimes they serve a much greater purpose than a dance or a telempathic glance. What I am saying will make my reality so... aren't I using words to relay this message to myself? How insane can this human psyche get, I mean really... I am very literally arguing with myself in a blog. This is hilariously bizarre, and I'm going to flow with it. So now that I've regained my lucidity as a master reality creator, I'd like to make it known to myself that I am aware and conscious of where I place my intellectual footing. It does not serve one to excessively ramble about the abstract possibilities that exist within the mind. Instead, it serves to be enlightened. To meditate and become meditation. Of course I am not saying in any form that I am enlightened, but I am saying there is a seed that has begun to sprout in my heart that is magnetizing this path to me and me to it.
We can talk about ________ all day, but until its become a personal experience, the love vibration of god cannot fully permeate it. My mind is being fine tuned and prepared for samadhi and beyond everyday, and I feel its presence in my meditations more and more each time. Twice a day, as the recent Dr. Lenz prescribed. So get yourself on a healthy diet of meditation and mindfulness, unconditional love and compassion. You can add some high vibrational food in the mix somewhere, and after digesting, maybe go on a run or do some sit ups. Feel good about where you are in your life and don't pine for being somewhere else. Because, it is likely that if you were to come here to usher humanity into your version of light as the proverbial enlightened master, then you would have done so at age 20. Don't try so hard to be a leader. Step off that solar plexus a bit to serve and soothe the heart. You can seek enlightenment, and when you are relaxed enough in your seeking, your teacher will find you. This treasure hunt of jaguar mentor and enlightened teacher is stirring up some emotions of resentment for the beauty that surrounds you already and the array of counsel you have at your fingertips. You will find one another in synchronicity and that appointment will be met. Relax and enjoy the luxury of this timespace hologram you're in. Its meant to be enjoyed, not looked past as a means to and end. You already said it, your favorite part about the journey is the journey. But feeling so human can sometimes be eluding. Sometimes I feel like I am lost in a fog of unattachment. Its as though I don't know what I want. And then I remember..I am re-minded by you.. to sit back down and create the space for god to fill in my meditation. I remember that I am eternal and that this world is really truly just another dream.
So you (meaning me, talking to myself here) hold the idea of enlightenment in your heart, love it, nurture it and the journey will certainly take you there if you let go, unattached, and enjoy. The journey is far from serious and far from difficult. Although, yes, it is not easy to look at this world and love it with your whole heart and have to kiss it goodbye every other passing moment.... but this is possibly the poetry of expanded awareness that Rumi writes of; Because you don't claim any of it. That as soon as you feel like you've got a handle on it, it slips away, gently and peacefully. Its not yours to claim.
As you can see, there is no real form to this rant, because all I did was just let go and my fingers did the rest. I hope it made some kind of sense, but if it didn't, I don't really mind. Literally, no mind.
There is still a stream, I'm still rowing gently and merrily and this sure does look a lot like a dream. <3
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