Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Interdimensional Voyeurs of Sexuality, part I of series

Excerpt from a series I am writing...

We are an interdimensional collective of voyeurs of universal sexuality.  Through agreement in this moment, we recall the story of Now and we gather at the edges of a human physicality.  Soberly intent upon a reawakening of ancient stories, meant to play out continuity in the dawning of the Satya Yuga.  We rest our attention on a king-sized landscape of white linen, upon which is a female specimen, roiling in the heightened vibration of pleasure with her male counterpart.  We watch with suspense and a strong urge to burst forth into their density. We observe them with excitement building inside us.  Hundreds of luminous tendrils of energy twist and tighten between his solar plexus and her sacral.  And the story picks up exactly where we left off.  Our entrance onto the scene will spark a new dimension of sexual magic to be re-explored.  

Pure, sacred, true, electromagnetism is cycling between the two bodies in a fierce figure eight through each channel of chakra.  He heaves her senses with a fine tuned ripple of joy by oily penetration of her ripe vesica piscis.  He towers with power over the organic feminine sculpture.  A doorway will be opened now through the heart, yet another entrance to the tesseract of multidimensionality.  We send suggestion that his attention be placed on her heart chakra.  Their eyes dilate and lock in the intensity of their parallel simultaneous incarnation connections.  

With his arm behind her lower back, he ravenously pulls her body up to meet his high perched stance on strong knees and sculpted thighs of beautiful masculinity.  With her head falling back toward the support of a bed below, he maneuvers her hips to envelope his hard phallus slowly to the base.  Her root chakra pops, and a wave of kundalini vibrates all the way up to her crown. This sends a wave of contortion and sensual pulsations of her tightening yoni.  Repeatedly now, he pumps her with primal friction and focus, and the luminosity of their combined energy grows and builds.  A blending of physical body with erotic emotionality occurs and the veils begin to disintegrate and dissolve, leaving a complete open channel for raw life force to flow through.  As they ground deeper, they expand exponentially; the more primal energy they bring into the now, the more cosmic geometry flows into the here.  

We sense that our presence is now sensed.  Momentarily, she scans for us in a milky darkness.  She knows we are watching.  We await her beckoning now to co-create sex magic again like we did so playfully in the ancient temples of tantric priest and priestess.  An invitation is received, and the doorway to their dimension unlocks and spreads open its sexy spiritual legs.  We enter and begin the sequence of unfolding...


  1. This is beautiful, wow. What a beautiful, sensual, magical experience, a dream, that will definitely be added to my meditation experience. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Sooo welcome thanks for reading Shanna :D

  3. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .... *qualibet*
