I'll give you fair warning, this blog is an emotional process that I have been devoting my inquisitive scrutiny to. So if that interests you, read on. Before I go into that check this out...
UFO sighting in Missouri This was the evening of Winter Solstice '10. I was meditating in my bedroom and I had a strong knowingness that a familiar craft was over my house. If you'd like to know more about UFO's, I have had some pretty good experiences with them but there are sooooo many all over the web. Check out
The Phoenix Lights if you haven't already.
So its obvious to
most of us, on and off the planet, that time, technology, science, encounters with the mystical light of eternity, art, synchronicity, perceived chaos, earth changes and pretty much everything else is exponentially accelerating and quickly coming to a head. Possibly coming to a head so that it can move into the heart, yes? It is a perfect incremental expansion; a concise unfurling of the ancient mystery of the future now and the evolution of a sentient species. Have you noticed any specific patterns coming up in your interactions? I have many friendships in Kansas City that are specifically keyed to interacting at the level of emotional processing. Many of the conversations I have naturally flow in that direction and so I naturally flow with them. Sometimes I guide these conversations and expand on a personal level through them. Other times I dip out because it can sometimes be a hindrance to continually process the same feedback loops. That feedback loop is of no help to me or the individual I am interacting with, so an occam's razor is always my ideal choice of tact.

Whether inadvertently or by direct intent, healing on a sacral chakra/sexual level has begun to spiral out around me. I have been working with that particular energy and had some repressed memories come up that put me in touch with my definitions of integral sexual expression. I had compartmentalized many shameful and difficult to look at sexual experiences from my childhood. The various sexual archetypes spread across a vast dimension of our collective consciousness and require a lot of awareness to advance as a whole species and move beyond (and with) the lower chakras. Of course, there are individuals who have done the work and have no charges around the subject of sex. However, I feel you will intuitively nod in agreement that the majority of humans have blocks in those areas of their causal and energy bodies.
So blessed am I to fully receive these messages from God, dreamtime, in such a way that I feel relentlessly curious and light about my explorations into my blocks and charges. Many of my girlfriends are experiencing the illumination of strong attachments to sex and romance. Something I do cultivate in myself through being present with emotional-sexual charges is a healthy vested allowing of relationships to fall into their perfect place, energy and timing
naturally. I re-mind myself continually to keep tidy my inner space on this subject. I do not exert myself energetically or more specifically I do not
try to analyze my interactions through the mind. Allow me to linger into a story that illustrates for me one of the most powerful personal lessons on the subject.

This story is about my friend of many linear years, but our interactions are few and far between. Our run ins are always short, sweet and mysterious. We keep in touch occasionally through digital interfacing, because he lives in another state (literally in all senses of the word). I had always admired this man's art as I view him as an essential pioneer in the evolution of the mind and spirit. One fine evening in midst of a warm summer scent, I entertained him to pay my couch a visit after a show he played in town. I had no preconceptions and no plans to invite him over that night, but it was late and my house was just down the road. We met again and again as new since the story goes that we had always eluded one another. In the spirit of pure friendship and a mutual appreciation, we sat, laughed and talked about the dreams, the magic, the trials and the tribulations of being on the planet at this time. We spoke thousands of remembered moments sliced into fathomless spacetime particles into the delights of polyamorous equations and unconditional sharing of oneself in the light of sacred vulnerability. No notion did I have up to that moment of sharing such an intimate synergy with this being, but like a magnet, I felt my heart and sacral chakra light up as I sat in symmetry to this man. My mind usually comments behind the scenes, but it had not even gone there. I sat in the line of his gaze and a surge of warmth expanded in my chest. It powerfully surprised me because I hadn't expected this attraction at all. He then respectfully asked me if he could just kiss me. In a pure lucid moment, we drew close together and our tongues and lips meshed together with such gentile honoring. There was no sense of a sexual impulse taking over as we kissed and it became clear to me that my heart had been the facilitator in the entire interaction. How often had the act of kissing alone held such sanctity and holiness? I wondered if I had ever experienced anything as pure as this magnetization to an embodied masculine creature. In a timeless glue, we peeked through the window blinds to a sun having risen and the passing of several seemingly instantaneous hours. I retreated to my bedroom feeling, full and glowing within. He left town that next day and I haven't seen him since. I continually draw power upon that moment and remember it well when I interact with the embodied divine masculine. For me, there is absolutely no logic or reason to think myself into being attracted to someone. This taught me how to be in the presence of the heart's desire and to
follow the energy, not to lead or suggest it. A lesson that is applied on all areas of my life.

So there exists the need for a slight degree of deliberation here. A gentle touch and a willingness to be a warrior, to look at oneself in complete honesty and integrity. It is crucial to make the distinction between a heart centered alignment and a sexual urge that arises from an other-than sacred honoring. Both are fine, but what is it that you truly desire? Does one need sex so much that it will convince itself to fall for someone? What measure of love can be experienced when the ego takes control in the name of lust? Please don't think that you don't know it when it happens either. I've played that card and its gotten me more of the same. I'm not buying it anymore cause I'm saving up for the good stuff.
Thanks for tuning in. Its a vast subject in which I have a lot to learn and a lot to teach.
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